Thursday, December 6, 2012

America's Shoddy Education System Is a Business Problem - Jeff ...

Across virtually all measures, the US is losing the education race to other countries. We're not even in the top ten countries in terms of our children's competence in reading, math, or science. We're actually ranked about 20th in science and even worse in math, behind countries such as Estonia, Hungary, and Liechtenstein. We rank 16th in the percentage of our population that holds a college degree. We're not even in the top ten. The problem is getting worse, not better, with average tenure of a child shrinking for the first time in modern history: Kids today are less likely to graduate high school than their parents. If you're not shocked, you're not paying attention.

This is clearly a problem for our children, but it is an equally big problem for our economy. I would argue that it is the number one long-term business issue we face in the 21st century. Almost 80% of all CEOs in the United States are concerned about the effects of the growing talent gap. And many of those CEOs say this talent gap is a key reason why their businesses are struggling to grow.

The alarm bells are ringing at the highest levels. President Obama has created a jobs council, in part to address this concern. But the problem isn't jobs ? we have jobs. The problem is finding the talent to fill the jobs we have. Companies across the country are struggling to fill high-level positions, especially those in science and technology. Many companies, including my own, currently have open positions that they cannot fill. In the coming years, that will grow exponentially. And at this rate, by 2030 many of the greatest companies, those with the greatest needs, will have the greatest talent gaps.

Relying on our government to solve this problem is an unacceptable solution. To be sure, this is a national problem, one that challenges our very national identity, and the government needs to do all it can. But this is also a business problem, and the business community needs to act now to create solutions. That is what great businesses do, it is what entrepreneurs do, and it is an underlying tenet of the American dream ? that anyone can make a difference and have an impact, and that "anyone" should be you.

This year, my company is taking a stand and I am hoping many more will do the same. We are thinking long term and spending significant money to help solve this growing crisis. Our plan does three things:

  1. We are offering scholarships to existing employees. Various types of degree programs are eligible: we expect that some employees will go back to finish their Bachelor's degrees and that a few will pursue graduate programs. This part of the plan allows us to invest in our most ambitious team members.
  2. We are helping employees set up college savings programs for their children and providing a matching donation when employees contribute. (These matches are not currently tax deductible so we are also giving employees additional dollars to cover some of that tax.)
  3. Additionally, for every dollar that employees set aside for their own children's education, we will donate one dollar to public schools in the city or county where that employee works. To be sure, this is an expensive undertaking, but we cannot think of a better use of profits than to give back to the communities who support our company and make us successful.

Our most precious natural resource is not diamonds or oil or agriculture; it is human capital. The seeds we plant grow only with education. While our program will help offset any immediate gaps with existing employees, the primary focus is on the next batch of bright and talented employees ? the children who will one day bridge the talent gap for businesses across the nation.

There are many ways to tackle this problem, and it's time that businesses focus on the ones within our control. We cannot rely solely on the government, parents or educators. This is our problem too. I am honored to say that my company is doing our small part. If other businesses follow suit or take their own novel approaches, we can solve the education and talent gap.


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